RGT@LCM Rock Guitar Grades – Audio Tracks

Step 1 and Step 2 (Initial and Preliminary) books each have a set of free to download audio tracks - these were supplied with earlier editions of the books on CD.

These downloads are now avaiable on the LCMEbooks website at www.lcmebooks.org


Supplementary Material

Audio tracks that accompany the RGT@LCM series of Rock Guitar Playing grade handbooks.

For most grades, two sets of downloads are available:

  • Improvisation Backing Tracks:  the download package for each grade includes at least FIVE professionally-recorded backing tracks for you to practise your lead and rhythm guitar to.
    £2.70 for each complete grade Improvisation package.

  • Aural Tests: the download package for each grade includes between 7 & 11 sample aural tests for you to practise with.
    £1.47 for each complete grade Aural Tests package.

PLEASE NOTE: These audio downloads are now available on the LCMEbooks website on the backing tracks page and the aural tests page.



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